A selection of the best videos about the Cook Islands

The internet is full of videos about the Cook Islands and the aim of this page is to share what I think are some of the best.  To watch a bigger screen version of any of the videos, click on "YouTube". If you have other suggestions or have created your own film, email me


Life among the islanders of PALMERSTON who are all descended from a 19th century Englishman and his wives

No surprise there are some great aerial shots of RAROTONGA as this film is  by Air Rarotonga 

Capturing the essence of MITIARO with its myriad of underground caves and more

Media studies students from Enuamanu created this film about their home island of ATIU

Christmas Day on MAUKE - a unique insight into the holiday tradition which, in turn, captures the warmth of the wonderful islanders


As two of the remotest places on the planet, Nassau and Pukapuka in the very far north of the Islands are rarely visited by outsiders. These two videos are from the YouTube channel, "Living Life Unpeeled" which is a Vlog series by Cameron Peterson.  Check out the whole channel and its fascinating videos here

RAKAHANGA is 1,248 kms/775 miles north of Rarotonga. Although the film is bit shaky, it's a rare insight into one of the least known and most remote places on earth

Another Air Rarotonga video, this time of beautiful and remote PENRHYN

Some beautiful shots of the pearl producing island of MANIHIKI 

A fascinating look at  SUWARROW - a national park with a population of just 2 caretakers (and then only from April to October)


This is a video I created to mark the 50th anniversary of the Cook Islands becoming an independent nation. It looks back on those years and reflects on the future of the country


The Islands will have an even bigger celebration in 2025 when the nation marks 60 years of self-rule.  This video is an early "birthday card" I've created reflecting on the past, present and future


Diving in the Cook Islands
From the easily accessible sites on Rarotonga and Aitutaki, to the remote reefs of Suwarrow and Takutea. Some magnificent shots of underwater life

Short but endearing clip of Palmerston children singing about themselves 

"Once I counted birds"
An outstanding mix of words and pictures that will really make you think about our world. Filmed on Suwarrow

Jake Numanga Snr. MBE welcomes and bids farewell to visitors at Rarotonga airport in his own inimitable way

Trekking Rarotonga with Pa: Meet a unique Rarotonga tour guide and healer

Capturing the beauty of sunset over Aitutaki


The Islands' own airline has superb videos of Rarotonga and the eight outer islands they fly to.  Go to the home page, click on "Our Islands" from the menu  at the top of the page and choose an island to watch the video about it